

Those who use this service constantly send me excellent educational sites they have discovered. Of the dozens of suggestions I receive each week, I try to pick out the most general and resourceful comprehensive sites for our users. In turn, each of these sites have dozens of links to more specialized sites. 

“Arts” Resources On-Line:

The Art Junction A virtual learing environment for kids 8 and older with many useful activities and information for curriculum planning.

Creative Drama and Theatre Education Everything a drama teacher would want to know

M.U.S.I.C.–Musicians United for Songs In the Classroom A great resource for integrating music into the curriculum

Music Notes–A Guide for Music for Kids Contains incredible amount of resources in all areas

Online Music Theory Helper A self-directed set of lessons to teach music theory–includes lots of links to music resources

World Wide Arts Resource The site quickly becoming the “Yahoo!” of the art world

Early Childhood/Primary Grades Resources On-Line: Just about every thing you might want to know for primary age teachers

Kinderteacher Excellent resources for early elementary teachers

Elective Courses:

Sports Media A site for P.E. teachers and those who are interested in P.E./fitness and sports

Language Arts Resources On-Line

Children’s Literature Web Guide A guide to anything you might want to know or find out about

Colorin’ Colorado A great source for ESL/ELD materials

The Complete Works of William Shakesspeare A link to all sorts of resources

Database of Children’s Award Winning Literature Searchable, comprehensive listing maintained by a librarian

Dictionary Link Compilation of free online dictionaries, thesaurus, language translators, encyclopedias, crossword solvers, quotes and other language resource

The Encyclopedia Mythica An encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and more

ESL: English Study and Learning Materials A wealth of free materials and information for all ESL levels–available in many languages

ESL Links Articles, research papers, lessons plans, classroom handouts, teaching ideas, etc., all related to ESL

Grammar Check Just copy and paste any text into the box, and it automatically checks for grammar mistakes

Library of Congress Information System A place to find the author, name or call number of any book published in the U.S.

LibrarySpot This library resource brings the best library and reference sites together

Plagiarism Workshop A one-hour online workshop demonstrating what plagarism is, and how to avoid it

Poetry Resources A collection of resources for teaching poetry

Project Gutenberg A project where every book ever published is being electronically processed. Most classics have already been completed.

School Journalism Lesson plans and resources for teaching journalism

Spelling It Right A site where you can download spelling worksheets and advice for teaching spelling

History/Social Studies Resources On-Line:

American Memory Collections of primary source and archival material relating to American culture and history from the Library of Congress

Biography Channel Links to thousands of biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, letters, narratives, oralhistories and more

CapWeb Politics covering political parties and citizenship and guide to U.S. Congress

EyeWitness Takes you to various historical events

The Food Timeline Food throughout history, recipes you can make from your local market to spice up any history lesson

The History Channel Web Site Primary source historical documentation, archives of great speeches and This Day In History section

MapMachine Find nearly any place on Earth, and view it by population, climate, and much more

Project Vote-Smart Contains information on thousands of candidates and officials in five basic categories: backgrounds, issue positions, voting records, campaign finances and performance evaluations

Safe Search Kids A safe search engine for kids

Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust Resources, classroom activities, links, and more.

Math Resources On-Line:

AAA Math Multi-level and multi-subject problems, games and activities for K-12
Instacalc Online Calculator An excellent, powerful online calculator

Math Forum A center for Math education on the net

Math is Fun A fun site for students with teacher resources such as free worksheets

Mathworld A comprehensive and intgeractive mathematics encyclopedia for teachers and students

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Online manipulatives for every math subject and level–adjustable by teacher or student

Superkids Math Worksheet Creator An excellent way to create supplemental math skill worksheets

Teachnology A great site for free math worksheets

Multi-Cultural Resources On-Line:

African American History From this site, examine nearly 400 years of African-American history

Science Resources On-Line:

Environmental Literacy Council A site devoted to environmental information

Science Teachers’ Resource Center Biology, Chemistry, Physics–check out “Miscellaneous” link

Social Action–Taking Care of Our Society:

Amnesty International

The Hunger Site Donate food for free to hungry people around the world

Volunteer Match Dedicated to using the power of the Internet to find volunteers for non-profit, community based organizations and causes

Special Education/Gifted Resources On-line:

American Sign Language Browser This site allows you to look up thousands of ASL signs

Blind Children Resource Center Hotlist of resources for the blind

Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page A hotlist of sources for links, programs, lists and more.

Special Education for Special Children Many great links for all areas of special ed

STEM Resources for Special Ed Kids Great resources for Math and Science and more

Some of the best teacher resources available on the Web:

Education World The heart of this site is a searchable database of over 100,000 education links for teachers, parents, and students

Good Character A site full of free resources on every aspect of character education in every possible subject area A free collection of group games and ice-breakers An excellent site for job placements

Plagerism Checker Site where you can put in your students’ writing and it will check for plagiarism

Puzzlemaker Create your own mazes, word searches, crosswords, number blocks, math squares…

QuizStar Create and manage your classes quizes online

Schoolbug.Org Listings and information about virtually every public and private school in America

Substitute Teachers All sorts of goodies for those who work as subs

SuperKids Educational Software Providing reviews and comparisons by teams of parents, teachers, and kids

Test Prep Review Practice exercises for almost every standardized test imaginable. Great review for students (SAT/ACT) and teachers

Timesavers for Teachers Lots of free downloadable teacher tool forms in all different areas

This page is continually being updated. If you have any suggestions for additions, or comments about any of the above resources, please contact me at

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